How Scribenote Helped a 300+ Clinic Veterinary Group Save 75,000+ Hours in Documentation

September 17, 2024


The veterinary industry is notorious for its high stress levels, with veterinarians frequently juggling the demands of patient care and administrative tasks. In 2023, a leading US-based veterinary group managing over 300 clinics faced the challenge of balancing clinician productivity with well-being. Despite assessing various AI-powered scribe solutions, the group was unable to find a long-term partner that met their needs. The available tools either lacked accuracy, were cumbersome to use, or increased administrative burdens rather than alleviating them.

The Challenge

The group's primary challenge was clear: how could they reduce the administrative load on veterinarians without compromising the quality of patient care? Veterinarians were spending a significant portion of their day on manual documentation, leading to burnout, reduced patient interaction, and inefficiency. The group was searching for a solution that would not only save time but also fit seamlessly into their operations.

The Solution: Scribenote

After a series of unsuccessful trials and engagements with other apps, the veterinary group turned to Scribenote, initiating a pilot program with 67 doctors over four weeks. The results of implementing the software were nothing short of transformational:

  • 70 minutes saved per doctor per day: This time was redirected toward patient care and higher-value tasks.
  • Vet-friendly AI software: Scribenote excelled in capturing complex veterinary-specific terminology, such as medication names and jargon, outperforming other solutions.
  • Seamless workflow: Veterinarians found Scribenote's apps intuitive, with a fast learning curve, making it easy to integrate into their daily operations.
  • Management visibility: Senior executives had access to real-time usage and adoption metrics through a comprehensive dashboard.

Between January and August 2024, the group had saved an estimated 75,600 hours of manual documentation using Scribenote.

How It Works: A Seamless Rollout

The veterinary group opted for a phased rollout plan but quickly accelerated their timeline due to the immediate success of the pilot. Initially planning to introduce Scribenote in 30 clinics over the first 90 days and expand to 75 clinics by day 180, the overwhelming positive feedback resulted in scaling to 150 clinics within 90 days and 250 clinics in just six months.

I am able to provide notes that are more robust and complete. [Scribenote] gives me peace of mind when I am stretched beyond my limits by emergencies or double-bookings. I can always go back and hear exactly what happened. It is such a wonderful tool! (Katie S., DVM)

Key Rollout Strategies

1. Pre-Rollout: Strategic Alignment

A strong collaboration between Scribenote and key stakeholders was acheived across the organization - from the clinic level through to senior operations and IT managers and executives. Together, we defined clear roles and timelines to ensure smooth implementation.

2. Onboarding: Fast and Effective Training

Scribenote’s training resources, including how-to videos, live demos, and interactive Q&A sessions led by in-house veterinarians, allowed users to hit the ground running. This strategic approach was reflected in high usage rates from the start.

3. Ongoing Support: Continuous Excellence
  • For End-Users: The median first response time to support queries was 16 minutes and 39 seconds, across over 1,080 conversations.
  • For Management: Clinic-level usage insights were readily available through a single dashboard, supplemented by bi-weekly executive updates.
Impact: Reduced Stress, Increased Productivity

Thanks to Scribenote, veterinarians reported significantly lower stress levels and improved work-life balance. By automating documentation, vets were able to save between 30 minutes to 2 hours per day, allowing for more patient interactions and a more streamlined workflow.

I am absolutely dependent on Scribenote. I see more patients and get home 1 hour earlier. Win-win! (Nina S., DVM)

The Scribenote Advantage

  • Leading AI Accuracy: Scribenote software is tailored for veterinary clinics, capturing complex terminology with industry-leading accuracy.
  • Effortless Enterprise Rollout: Scribenote has proven its ability to scale rapidly across hundreds of clinics with minimal disruption.
  • High Visibility of Data: Senior management gains insights into usage and adoption through comprehensive dashboards.
  • Delightful Support: With responsive live support for users built into the app, and immediate access to adoption insights for management, Scribenote ensures a seamless experience.
  • Data Privacy and Security: Customizable data retention periods meet the legal and compliance needs of veterinary groups.
  • Continuous Innovation: Scribenote is continuously evolving, with recent innovative features such as Dental Records, Multilingual Capabilities, and an AI Writing Assistant in beta.


For this veterinary group, the implementation of Scribenote was a game-changer. Not only did it drastically reduce the time veterinarians spent on documentation, but it also improved the overall well-being of the staff by reducing stress and enhancing productivity. By choosing Scribenote, this group has set the standard for how veterinary clinics can operate more efficiently while improving patient care.

If you think Scribenote can help boost your clinic's efficiency, book a demo call with our team or reach out to